Thursday, April 17, 2014

Reflection on Presentation

I find the presentation exercise useful and relevant, as it is a platform for me to practice and enhance my public speaking skills. It is especially meaningful because the modules offered in my major do not provide sufficient presentation opportunities.

While I support the proposal of including this element into the course in the next semester, I feel that it would be best to revise the module outline. It would be more beneficial for the presentation exercise to be scheduled in the middle of the semester instead of at the end. The reason being, students would more likely be willing to attend classes in the middle of the semester whereby there would be less assignment deadlines for other modules. This would allow the presenters to pitch their ideas to a large group of people.

I am certain that the inclusion of the presentation exercise will be beneficial to students who are taking this module in the future.


  1. Thanks for your honest opinion, Rais. I can appreciate what you state about the scheduling of the presentations, too. However, I wonder if the result would be that no one would attend classes at the end of the course since most key task would have been completed. The presentation would also need to jive with the essay writing process. Should the presentations be done after the 1st draft?

  2. Yes Brad, maybe if the presentation exercise is done after the 1st draft would be better in some way because more people would be likely to attend class. While the presenters would get a good amount of audience, they would also get feedbacks on the content of their essay from their peers, which allows them sufficient time to revise their essay for the 2nd or final draft.

    There is also the infamous option where you can be the devil's advocate and put a higher weight on attendance. ;)

    The point really is that, we are able to train ourselves to be more confident with more audience present.
